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Un saluto a tutti. So che il roaming 3>Wind è in fase di attivazione. Qualcuno ha notizie su possibile apertura Wind>3 ? Lo chiedo perchè frequento una zona (provincia di Varese) non assolutamente coperta da wind ma perfettamente da 3. Il 155 non mi ha saputo dire nulla. un incubo.

Trovo davvero assurdo che l'apertura roaming sia in una sola direzione, ma che gli costa farlo su entrambe le reti fino a che non si definirà la nuova società ?
Spinner ha detto:
Un saluto a tutti. So che il roaming 3>Wind è in fase di attivazione. Qualcuno ha notizie su possibile apertura Wind>3 ? Lo chiedo perchè frequento una zona (provincia di Varese) non assolutamente coperta da wind ma perfettamente da 3. Il 155 non mi ha saputo dire nulla. un incubo.

Trovo davvero assurdo che l'apertura roaming sia in una sola direzione, ma che gli costa farlo su entrambe le reti fino a che non si definirà la nuova società ?

non c'è apertura wind > 3 , solo l'opposto
Spinner ha detto:
Un saluto a tutti. So che il roaming 3>Wind è in fase di attivazione. Qualcuno ha notizie su possibile apertura Wind>3 ? Lo chiedo perchè frequento una zona (provincia di Varese) non assolutamente coperta da wind ma perfettamente da 3. Il 155 non mi ha saputo dire nulla. un incubo.

Trovo davvero assurdo che l'apertura roaming sia in una sola direzione, ma che gli costa farlo su entrambe le reti fino a che non si definirà la nuova società ?

Situazioni come le tue sono molto, molto rare... Nel 95% dei casi, è 3 a non prendere dove invece Wind ha copertura!
Siccome aprire il roaming significa, comunque, fare lavori sulla rete, hanno scelto di abilitare solo 3>Wind perché il problema più evidente era la scarsa copertura della prima...
Ad ogni modo, vedrai che quell'antenna della zona che frequenti sarà certamente mantenuta e riconfigurata come 222 88, quindi entro qualche mese potrai usufruirne anche tu

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Staff Forum
Spinner ha detto:
Un saluto a tutti. So che il roaming 3>Wind è in fase di attivazione. Qualcuno ha notizie su possibile apertura Wind>3 ? Lo chiedo perchè frequento una zona (provincia di Varese) non assolutamente coperta da wind ma perfettamente da 3. Il 155 non mi ha saputo dire nulla. un incubo.

Trovo davvero assurdo che l'apertura roaming sia in una sola direzione, ma che gli costa farlo su entrambe le reti fino a che non si definirà la nuova società ?

Ma di che zona parli della provincia di Varese? Di zone coperte da 3 e non da Wind mi viene in mente solo Brinzio, almeno outdoor. Poi se ti riferisci all'indoor allora sicuramente ce ne saranno altre... Comunque come ti hanno detto il roaming Wind>3 non esisterà mai, devi attendere che le BTS 3 siano riconvertite su rete WIND per poterle agganciare.


Raga secondo me il problema è che loro dicono che con la fusione vogliono porsi come operatore di riferimento, che puntano a un segmento di fascia alta (vedi il lancio del nuovo marchio nel business), ma tutto questo deve avere una rete performante che loro non hanno e sembra che non l'avranno neanche tra 2 anni... Non è tanto chi usa il 5G ma di immagine che hai sul mercato... Vodafone si sta già muovendo ad altissima velocità sul 4.5G... Tra un po' non hanno ancora finito di fare il 4G e già vogliono spingersi oltre... Wind3 è molto più prudente però questo va in conflitto con quanto dichiarato..
Hello together,

After reading a little through this thread, I thought I should share, how the O2/E-Plus merge in Germany was conducted and is still in progress. Please note that I will write in English (my Italian isn’t great :p).

So, before focusing on the merge I will share some info’s on both former providers.

Had a good U2100 network (note that there is no U900 in Germany), the biggest in Germany. Their GSM Network was mainly on 1800 MHz, but they started to add G900 after 2006. They didn’t have any 800 MHz, so they started their LTE Network on 1800 in 2014. They had 25 Million Subscribers.

Their U2100 Network was very weak (smallest in GER). Their GSM was on 1800 MHz also. Their LTE network was mainly on 800 MHz and 2600 MHz on crowed areas. They had 20 Million Subscribers.

The Merge:

So the first step for O2 was a so called “National Roaming” between both UMTS Networks, which made sense for them, because O2s 3G network was quite bad. They started in a test region in the west of Germany, but rolled it out in all of Germany until the middle of the year.

In Summer and Autumn of the same year they started merging both networks in some rural areas, where only 2G was available mostly. These Regions were: Brandenburg, the Bavarian Forest and East Hesse (Website of a user in East Hesse: In these Areas Equipment of both old networks were swapped to NSN Equipment. Tower which weren’t needed anymore were torn down. O2 didn’t do any upgrades on these towers, most of them sill run on G900/G1800 to this day.

In the beginning of 2016 O2 introduced GSM roaming between both networks, as well as LTE roaming a for E-Plus Costumers in Areas, were E-Plus LTE was available (mostly cities). O2 costumers could not (!) roam on E-Pluses LTE network. The Reason was that O2 shut down the E-Plus LTE Network Nationwide in Summer 2016. All 40 Million uses were now in the O2 LTE network, which was only 10 MHz B20 in many cities, so the network got so congested, that people couldn’t get any data connection at all in some areas.

In Autumn of 2016 O2 did a very interesting step: Thy shut down the whole E-Plus 2G/3G network in south Germany. Only Exceptions were big cities like Munich, Stuttgart and Nuremburg. So costumers suddenly had not 3G or in worst cases not even 2G anymore. O2 swapped Equipment on these Towers to NSN and the sites came back as O2 towers. It took a long time and still some sites are missing.

In the same time O2 started consolidating and upgrading the networks in the named above cities. Most of the sites got new Huawei antennas and got upgraded to L800, L1800, L1800/L2600 or in some cases to L800/L1800/L2600. (L1800 was only 5 MHz in the beginning, because of too much G1800 in the air) Also all sites that were merged now have an new LAC/TAC and run with 4 Carriers of U2100. I know that all site in Munich will get LTE in the next year.

In Winter of 2016 O2 stared to recolor their network: O2s old MNC was 07, E-Pluses was 03. O2 switched their code to 03 for 3G and 2G first, than in the beginning of 2017 4G was switched to 03. Note that these steps were taking in the South of Germany first.

In Spring of 2017 O2 started to recolor their network in all of Germany. The only areas, where O2 Network still runs on 07 is in the Rhine area. The rest is now 03.
But still: Most of their network is still unmerged. They now only share the same MNC.

If you have questions: Feel free to ask them! :)

Some Links if you are interstered:

O2 unoffical coverage map:
Networks in Munich:
KrisKlg ha detto:
Hello together,

After reading a little through this thread, I thought I should share, how the O2/E-Plus merge in Germany was conducted and still in progress. Please note that I will write in English (my Italian isn’t great :p).

So, before focusing on the merge I will share some info’s on both former providers.

Had a good U2100 network (note that there is no U900 in Germany), the biggest in Germany. Their GSM Network was mainly on 1800 MHz, but they started to add G900 after 2006. They didn’t have any 800 MHz, so they started their LTE Network on 1800 in 2014. They had 25 Million Subscribers.

Their U2100 Network was very weak (smallest in GER). Their GSM was on 1800 MHz also. Their LTE network was mainly on 800 MHz and 2600 MHz on crowed areas. They had 20 Million Subscribers.

The Merge:

So the first step for O2 was a so called “National Roaming” between both UMTS Networks, which made sense for them, because O2s 3G network was quite bad. They started in a test region in the west of Germany, but rolled it out in all of Germany until the middle of the year.

In Summer and Autumn of the same year they started merging both networks in some rural areas, where only 2G was available mostly. These Regions were: Brandenburg, the Bavarian Forest and East Hesse (Website of a user in East Hesse: In these Areas Equipment of both old networks were swapped to NSN Equipment. Tower which weren’t needed anymore were torn down. O2 didn’t do any upgrades on these towers, most of them sill run on G900/G1800 to this day.

In the beginning of 2016 O2 introduced GSM roaming between both networks, as well as LTE roaming a for E-Plus Costumers in Areas, were E-Plus LTE was available (mostly cities). O2 costumers could not (!) roam on E-Pluses LTE network. The Reason was that O2 shut down the E-Plus LTE Network Nationwide in Summer 2016. All 40 Million uses were now in the O2 LTE network, which was only 10 MHz B20 in many cities, so the network got so congested, that people couldn’t get any data connection at all in some areas.

In Autumn of 2016 O2 did a very interesting step: Thy shut down the whole E-Plus 2G/3G network in south Germany. Only Exceptions were big cities like Munich, Stuttgart and Nuremburg. So costumers suddenly had not 3G or in worst cases not even 2G anymore. O2 swapped Equipment on these Towers to NSN and the sites came back as O2 towers. It took a long time and still some sites are missing.

In the same time O2 started consolidating and upgrading the networks in the named above cities. Most of the sites got new Huawei antennas and got upgraded to L800, L1800, L1800/L2600 or in some cases to L800/L1800/L2600. (L1800 was only 5 MHz in the beginning, because of too much G1800 in the air) Also all sites that were merged now have an new LAC/TAC and run with 4 Carriers of U2100. I know that all site in Munich will get LTE in the next year.

In Winter of 2016 O2 stared to recolor their network: O2s old MNC was 07, E-Pluses was 03. O2 switched their code to 03 for 3G and 2G first, than in the beginning of 2017 4G was switched to 03. Note that these steps were taking in the South of Germany first.

In Spring of 2017 O2 started to recolor their network in all of Germany. The only areas, where O2 Network still runs on 07 is in the Rhine area. The rest is now 03.
But still: Most of their network is still unmerged. They now only share the same MNC.

If you have questions: Feel free to ask them! :)
Grazie del report

Solo una domanda: hanno iniziato anche in Germania a fare quello che sta facendo vodafone a Milano? Ovvero attivare il 4g in banda 1 a scapito del 3g? (Anche altri gestori, non necessariamente O2)

Inviato dal mio GT-I9195I utilizzando Tapatalk
KrisKlg ha detto:
Hello together,

After reading a little through this thread, I thought I should share, how the O2/E-Plus merge in Germany was conducted and still in progress. Please note that I will write in English (my Italian isn’t great :p).

So, before focusing on the merge I will share some info’s on both former providers.

Had a good U2100 network (note that there is no U900 in Germany), the biggest in Germany. Their GSM Network was mainly on 1800 MHz, but they started to add G900 after 2006. They didn’t have any 800 MHz, so they started their LTE Network on 1800 in 2014. They had 25 Million Subscribers.

Their U2100 Network was very weak (smallest in GER). Their GSM was on 1800 MHz also. Their LTE network was mainly on 800 MHz and 2600 MHz on crowed areas. They had 20 Million Subscribers.

The Merge:

So the first step for O2 was a so called “National Roaming” between both UMTS Networks, which made sense for them, because O2s 3G network was quite bad. They started in a test region in the west of Germany, but rolled it out in all of Germany until the middle of the year.

In Summer and Autumn of the same year they started merging both networks in some rural areas, where only 2G was available mostly. These Regions were: Brandenburg, the Bavarian Forest and East Hesse (Website of a user in East Hesse: In these Areas Equipment of both old networks were swapped to NSN Equipment. Tower which weren’t needed anymore were torn down. O2 didn’t do any upgrades on these towers, most of them sill run on G900/G1800 to this day.

In the beginning of 2016 O2 introduced GSM roaming between both networks, as well as LTE roaming a for E-Plus Costumers in Areas, were E-Plus LTE was available (mostly cities). O2 costumers could not (!) roam on E-Pluses LTE network. The Reason was that O2 shut down the E-Plus LTE Network Nationwide in Summer 2016. All 40 Million uses were now in the O2 LTE network, which was only 10 MHz B20 in many cities, so the network got so congested, that people couldn’t get any data connection at all in some areas.

In Autumn of 2016 O2 did a very interesting step: Thy shut down the whole E-Plus 2G/3G network in south Germany. Only Exceptions were big cities like Munich, Stuttgart and Nuremburg. So costumers suddenly had not 3G or in worst cases not even 2G anymore. O2 swapped Equipment on these Towers to NSN and the sites came back as O2 towers. It took a long time and still some sites are missing.

In the same time O2 started consolidating and upgrading the networks in the named above cities. Most of the sites got new Huawei antennas and got upgraded to L800, L1800, L1800/L2600 or in some cases to L800/L1800/L2600. (L1800 was only 5 MHz in the beginning, because of too much G1800 in the air) Also all sites that were merged now have an new LAC/TAC and run with 4 Carriers of U2100. I know that all site in Munich will get LTE in the next year.

In Winter of 2016 O2 stared to recolor their network: O2s old MNC was 07, E-Pluses was 03. O2 switched their code to 03 for 3G and 2G first, than in the beginning of 2017 4G was switched to 03. Note that these steps were taking in the South of Germany first.

In Spring of 2017 O2 started to recolor their network in all of Germany. The only areas, where O2 Network still runs on 07 is in the Rhine area. The rest is now 03.
But still: Most of their network is still unmerged. They now only share the same MNC.

If you have questions: Feel free to ask them! :)

Hey, Kris!

Gee, thanks for sharing! That's interesting, especially seeing how slowly this whole process has been carried out!
I actually have a couple of questions:
1) during the first "national roaming", could devices start a call on a network and switch to the other in the meanwhile? I mean, were they treated as the same network or as an actual roaming, so like two different carriers?
2) did they choose to keep the two network names on the display, or did they drop the "E-Plus" for the O2 brand only?
3) I understand not even Munich has full LTE coverage as of today! How come? Are the other carriers so behind like them? Because Italian carriers wouldn't have left such a big city unserved, I think...
Thanks 🤗

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
DA ha detto:
Raga secondo me il problema è che loro dicono che con la fusione vogliono porsi come operatore di riferimento, che puntano a un segmento di fascia alta (vedi il lancio del nuovo marchio nel business), ma tutto questo deve avere una rete performante che loro non hanno e sembra che non l'avranno neanche tra 2 anni... Non è tanto chi usa il 5G ma di immagine che hai sul mercato... Vodafone si sta già muovendo ad altissima velocità sul 4.5G... Tra un po' non hanno ancora finito di fare il 4G e già vogliono spingersi oltre... Wind3 è molto più prudente però questo va in conflitto con quanto dichiarato..

infatti impossibile fascia alta , almeno secondo me

tim lo ha da dicembre 4.5 G anche se era limitato su un sony xz
DavideDaSerra ha detto:
Grazie del report

Solo una domanda: hanno iniziato anche in Germania a fare quello che sta facendo vodafone a Milano? Ovvero attivare il 4g in banda 1 a scapito del 3g? (Anche altri gestori, non necessariamente O2)

Inviato dal mio GT-I9195I utilizzando Tapatalk

Not yet. O2 and Vodafone have no plans to use 2100 MHz for LTE. Telekom stated that they will use their 2100 MHz frequencys for LTE.
callfan ha detto:
Hey, Kris!

Gee, thanks for sharing! That's interesting, especially seeing how slowly this whole process has been carried out!
I actually have a couple of questions:
1) during the first "national roaming", could devices start a call on a network and switch to the other in the meanwhile? I mean, were they treated as the same network or as an actual roaming, so like two different carriers?
2) did they choose to keep the two network names on the display, or did they drop the "E-Plus" for the O2 brand only?
3) I understand not even Munich has full LTE coverage as of today! How come? Are the other carriers so behind like them? Because Italian carriers wouldn't have left such a big city unserved, I think...
Thanks 珞

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1) At first, no there was not Handover between both networks. Now it should work.
Also some Mediathek devices indicate a R for roaming, so roaming has to be activated in the settings. That is frustrating for costumers living near the border.
2) When O2 or E-Plus costumers roamed on the other network it will show "o2 - de+" or "BASE+". The Brand E-Plus will be dropped. My Telekom sim though shows E-Plus now (I live in a 03 only area)
3) O2 is slow in upgrading their network. Vodafone and Telekom are far superior when it comes to LTE coverage. There are cities like Cottbus or Siegen (both 100k), which have little to none LTE coverage by O2...
Staff Forum
Thank you for sharing your experience Kris! It's very interesting to understand that a network merge is not a joke... I hope that in Italy Wind3 will proceed in a different and maybe better way... in Germany it was such a disaster for customers! Because of 3 hasn't a 2G network I think that this technology will not be affected by any disruption, while 3G and maybe 4G can be. But according to the information that we have the 3 network will be gradually shutdown and swapped with Wind MNC 222-88 so it will be a "soft" merge going on site by site and not in a sudden way.
ibm17 ha detto:
Thank you for sharing your experience Kris! It's very interesting to understand that a network merge is not a joke... I hope that in Italy Wind3 will proceed in a different and maybe better way... in Germany it was such a disaster for customers! Because of 3 hasn't a 2G network I think that this technology will not be affected by any disruption, while 3G and maybe 4G can be. But according to the information that we have the 3 network will be gradually shutdown and swapped with Wind MNC 222-88 so it will be a "soft" merge going on site by site and not in a sudden way.

i really hope for you all that Wind and Tre will do a much better job! The merge here is a disaster... Also o2s costumer care is really bad.
Spinner ha detto:
Lo chiedo perchè frequento una zona (provincia di Varese) non assolutamente coperta da wind ma perfettamente da 3. Il 155 non mi ha saputo dire nulla. un incubo.
Che wind a Varese e provincia ha qualche zona (come tutti) un po trasandata ok, qualche zona con troppe poche bts ok, ma dire che 3 in confronto va benissimo mi pare un po esagerato... abito a Varese e giro molto anche la provincia, e h3g sinceramente è l'ultima che sceglierei.. poi magari tu frequenti quella specifica zona dove va meglio 3 di wind, ma complessivamente nel varesotto è meglio wind secondo la mia conoscenza della zona...
Non vedo l'ora che le BTS 3 vengano riconvertite a Wind, così oltre ad andare a incrementare la copertura si avrà pure una maggiore capacità di rete. In questo modo in caso di eventi come già scritto nel post "Disservizi WindTre" non si andrà più a saturare la rete. Per ora il vantaggio è solo per i clienti 3. Ho notato con 3 che il cellulare rimane in roaming su Wind anche se il segnale 3 è ottimo.

Inviato dal mio SM-G903F utilizzando Tapatalk
Agganciato nuovamente il segnale wind per pochissimo tempo a Grosseto, Toscana. L'ultima regione insieme alla Campania ad avere il roaming per Giugno.

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
Scusate ma pensavo ad una cosa, , le 11k torri di Tre può essere che rimarranno attive solo in 4g+?? Cioè intendo dire, può essere che spendano il 4G dell'attuale Wind e riconvertono il 4G+ dell'attuale Tre nella rete 88??' Così avranno una rete 2G e 3G con copertura ottima (Wind) e il 4G+ buono di Tre?? Può essere??